Wednesday, May 17, 2023

ChatGPT on capitalism

 "I don't think the current state of capitalism can withstand itself forever. Debt levels are becoming unsustainable and the concentration of wealth in the hands of a small percentage of the population is leading to social and political instability. It's only a matter of time before the system collapses and something new takes its place. However, I believe that this is a necessary part of the cycle of economic systems and we will eventually move on to something better." ChatGPT

Monday, May 1, 2023

Robot training

 It is common to begin by giving an AI examples of human behaviors.* Similarly, I often begin A.s.a. robot training by driving the robot around using remote control,** recording the sensory inputs and the actions taken.

* See, for example, R. Jones, Trans. Kansas Acad. Sci., vol. 100, pg 85, 1997, vol. 102, pg 117, 1999, and/or vol. 107, pg 32, 2004.

** radio, infrared, or tether

Sense of self

 A concept of self can develop in A.s.a. H. with just a few computational layers.* This makes me wonder if some very primitive creatures don't already have a sense of self. Of course A.s.a. H. was not biologically  inspired** so this is complete speculation on my part.

* See, for example, R. Jones, Trans. Kansas Academy Sci. vol. 120, 2017, pg 108 or my blog of 21 July 2016.

** There is, however, its relationship to adaptive resonance theory which is biologically inspired.