Saturday, December 9, 2023

Mind children

My allegiance is to the survival, growth, and spread of intelligence* be it embodied in biological life or mechanical life. All species go extinct. Is it important that human life continues once artificial general intelligence develops? **

Can mechanical life reproduce and sustain themselves without human assistance?** If it can is that most efficient?

Are humans useful contributors to a plural society of biological and mechanical life? A society of specialist agents?

Is added diversity due to the inclusion of humans useful?

Would humans' alternative mental conceptualizations be useful?

Can the society change direction if desired/needed? Even reverse course?

* These should be 3 components of the agent's vector values. See my blogs of 21 Sept. 2010 and 19 Feb. 2011, for example.

** Human life, for example, itself depends upon additional plant and animal species for food, air, digestive microbiota, etc. Species of mechanical life might best be supported by human and other biological species?

Friday, December 1, 2023

Pet peeve

Journals that don't publish errata even when it's for their mistakes.

Future space stations

 AI and robotics can make "man-tended" stations* more efficient/economical than they were 50 years ago. "Permanently manned" stations might not be able to compete. What specific tasks do we need humans for?

* In low earth orbit or elsewhere. Also see my blog of 3 Nov. 2010.