Thursday, April 25, 2019

Pain components

Breakage sensors, excessively high or low temperatures, low battery charge,* and high acceleration constitute the standard A.s.a. H. pain components. Other possible pain signals might be: excessive force seen by any of the robots' force sensors, excessive electric currents,** excessively bright light, excessively loud sounds, and excessive acidity seen by a PH sensor. Excessive dust or smoke might also be considered.
One might forgo the current breakage sensors, and the resulting snap together construction*** requirement, if you have enough alternative pain sensors.****

* i.e., hunger pains
** motor stalls for example
*** i.e., Lego, Vex IQ, Velcro, etc.
**** For a given robot preliminary experiments can seek to identify what levels of force and acceleration produce breakage for example.

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