It is quite difficult to give Asa H natural language capabilities. (, book, paper 1) I have managed to establish a vocabulary of about 200 words/concepts including:
hear sound speak word temperature hot cold feel touch see light dark color yellow green blue red black time day night direction north south acceleration left right front back turn top rise bottom lower arm hand joint rotate finger grasp hold drop body move action fast slow stop start collision damage hard soft flexible range near far distant side retreat push carry on air wind open close ground look work rest wait home nest health hunger feed recharge mouth person head eye ear leg pain bad object
(grounded as described in my blogs of 6 and 12 March 2013, 1 April 2013, and 29 Jan. 2014) This is just sufficient to permit conversations with Asa in simple pidgin english. It is hoped that Asa can then grow its vocabulary naturally from this starting point.
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