Monday, October 10, 2016

AAPT conference

At the American association of physics teachers conference this past weekend James Laverty of Kansas State University presented the 3D-LAP scheme (3 dimensional learning assessment protocol) for assessing the value/importance of various physics test questions.  I noted favorably that the method employs a 3 dimension vector value:
1. Scientific and engineering practice
2. Cross cutting concepts
3. Disciplinary core ideas
I am not sure these 3 are exactly what I would have come up with but I am obviously in favor of vector value systems in general.
I also was interested in the scientific and engineering practices they identify (from A Framework for K-12 Science Education):
1. Asking questions and defining problems
2. Developing and using models
3. Planning and carrying out investigations
4. Analyzing and interpreting data
5. Using mathematical and computational thinking
6. Constructing explanations and designing solutions
7. Engaging in argument from evidence
8. Obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information
Since I believe that the process of science is simply the process of intelligent thought (perhaps refined and augmented in various ways) these are then all things that my artificial intelligence A.s.a. H. should be doing too. Said another way, Asa should be able to do science.
1. Asa defines and identifies cases that lead to low utility, i.e., problems.
2. Asa's hierarchical memory creates, stores, and uses spatiotemporal patterns, models of reality.
3. Asa examines the accuracy of its extrapolations experimentally and plans future behaviors.
4. Asa examines its case memory using interpolation, extrapolation, value assessment, etc.
5. Asa is computational and uses mathematical as well as logical reasoning methods.
6. Asa designs improved behaviors to cope with problems, i.e., low utility situations.
7. Asa reasons ("argues") from evidence.
8. Asa can communicate and output its case memory.
I would like to improve upon Asa's present ability to ask and answer questions.

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