Thursday, May 17, 2018

Evolution of oppositional concepts

I have experimented with oppositional concepts in A.s.a. H. for some time.* One can, for example, evolve each vector concept, Ci, over time, compute -Ci, and maintain separate vector utilities for Ci and -Ci as they are used/become activated. -Ci then only evolves/changes as Ci changes. Alternatively, once defined, -Ci can be evolved independent of Ci and each with their own (evolving) vector utilities. But then Ci and -Ci may evolve "away from each other" and become less the opposites of one another. One could periodically reinforce opposition. How often? Under what conditions? Or we could maintain several different "opposites." Frequently A.s.a. has been allowed to completely delete concepts which are judged not to be useful.
* See my blog of 5 July 2016 and Trans. Kansas Acad. Sci., vol 109, #3/4, 2006.
  Simpler "light" versions of A.s.a. H. may not include oppositional concepts.

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