Thursday, August 1, 2024

More robot pain sensors*

Brixo (Dakott) conducting "Lego" bricks can be used as pain (breakage) sensors. They complicate the robot design a bit but the final product looks cleaner**. 

To get greater sensitivity (detecting cracks rather than complete breakage) one can glue a conducting tab*** to conventional Lego and then butt that up against a Brixo brick. One can also space conventional insulating bricks**** between 2 Brixo bricks and then run a conducting paint line between them.*****.

* See, for example, my blogs of 29 Sept. 2015 and 31 March 2016.

** less wires dangling

*** cut from aluminum foil or thin copper tape

**** one or several

***** Between the Brixo bricks that is.

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